Friday, October 7, 2022

Blog Post #10 Living in the Age of AI

Artificial intelligence is one of the newest advancements in technology. It is the closest human-to-technology connection and morphing of the two we have to date. 

The purpose of artificial intelligence is to teach a computer to function as a person. These machines learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks. Some A.I. examples we have are self-driving cars, Face IDs, and computers that play chess on their own. While we give these devices minds of their own, this could be positive and negative. The eyeballs of computers have become more expansive and the ears of devices are now listening to us closer. Our feeds have become more and more curated to our preferences through the use of technology's access to our personal information and social media accounts. Our phones track everything that we do from our search history to our social media likes to our virtual shopping carts. This can lead to security breaches, however, and people are becoming increasingly worried about their safety and privacy. Computers are trying to serve us better and it can be great to have the world adapt to us, but people with our information don’t always have the same goals as us. 

Companies that track our content do so to curate our feed so it benefits them. They want to know who would be interested in their product and who it does not apply. This gives them an idea of who their target audience is as well as how wide their audience is. "We aren't using social media, social media is using us." This is a quote from the video we watched because it shows how through A.I. roles are reversed between the human and computer relationship. Because of this privacy invasion, the private human experience is raw material turned to fabrication. The oversharing and trust people put into their cell phones will be their downfall. Another quote from the video states, “ would be horrified if you knew how much we knew about you.” 

Positives to A.I. would be a world in which everything we need is at our fingertips. We would hardly need to search for something to shop for before it showed up at our doorstep. Though this takes the human experience out of living life, we can see a slow merge of humans and technology each and every day. The world of A.I. is convenient yet tricky, so it is critical that we protect our information from the government, businesses, and hackers to maintain a boundary of privacy in modern day tech. 

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