Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Blog #1: Top 5 Resources for News and Information

We all receive information from different resources and in different forms. Whether it is sitting down and drinking a latte with some friends or turning on your television, we are all informed in different ways. When figuring out where to look, sometimes it just depends on what you want to learn, and other times, if you are biased, it's about what you want to hear. As a student who needs information quickly, simply, and reliably, here are my top five resources for local, national, and international news and information.

The Washington Post is an all-American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. It has an immense international audience and is most popular in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. The Washington Post covers all things political and government related. It is a good resource for me because it directly encompasses all necessary information on American news without bias. The Washington Post is straight to the point and explains the headline with important details and quotes, and its reliability is crucial to the lives of American citizens. All stories come directly from reporters’ observations and closely involved witnesses. I recommend the Washington Post to people because they update their stories in a timely manner and have been gifted numerous awards for their credibility. 

The New York Times is a news source based in New York City that covers live news, investigations, political topics, and local reports daily. 

Living in Queens, New York myself, I am located near a New York Times printing facility. 

I have always gone straight to the Times paper and news sites for my articles because they give very thorough reports and go into depth on the topics being covered. 

Their investigative writers are committed to their role in answering any questions readers may have through their stories. 

Especially during the peak of COVID-19, the NY Times was the most dependable news source for me to get any updates on mandates, restrictions, and quarantines. 

NBC’s Stay Tuned is a news source that reaches its audience through a series of short videos on social media. Savannah Sellers, Gadi Schwartz, and Lawrence Jackson are the young, relatable hosts of the show. The short newscast – just two to three minutes – is accessible for me on Snapchat. You can watch the shows twice a day during the week and once a day on the weekends. The newscast covers national and international news, politics, and more. I like this show because it is cutting-edge, quick, and to the point. The news anchors film themselves in a “vlog” style manner which makes them approachable to youths. They use understandable language and explain the important news in the world in simpler terms. This way, youths can be included instead of out of touch with the world around them.  

Wired is an informational platform that covers technology news and provides informative content in a fun format; they use infographics, videos, and even links to full articles. Wired is a great modern resource to use to learn about technological advancements and innovations. They even have celebrity guests in their videos and articles to keep things interesting. Wired doesn’t solely give straight tech marketing, though. They also provide articles that incorporate science and music culture and interview ordinary people for their extraordinary stories. I like this resource and recommend it because it is a glimpse into how our future is advancing day by day in more ways than just through using our cell phones. 

The Telegraph is the UK's No.1 quality digital news brand. 

The Telegraph has a team of journalists who publish a daily edition covering news, politics, and opinion. 

I found out about The Telegraph through Snapchat news. 

It has weekly stories with international hosts that spill all about the economy and political/ social state of the UK. 

I like to read about this news and believe it is important to learn about places other than America for comparison and contrast. 

It helps put everything into perspective. It is an accessible and sophisticated yet modern-style newscast, and I recommend it to people of all ages. 

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